I have just returned from participation in the fall meeting of the Ontario Association of Swine Veterinarians. A great group of swine professionals who are very worried about the future of the swine industry in Ontario. Challenges in Ontario include … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: October 2008
Feed grain prices
Here in southern Minnesota, the corn harvest is in full swing. This morning on the local radio station’s farm show, seed corn representatives were citing test plot yields of 220+ bu/acre. Given the many weather challenges of this growing year, … Continue reading
Winterizing curtain sided barns
With propane at $2/gallon, many producers have begun inserting ‘Tekfoil’ or similar materials between the bird netting and emergency drop curtains in cold weather. The question that needs to be asked – how tight can these emergency drop curtains be … Continue reading
Where are the pigs?
By now, many of the readers of this blog have had time to read and digest the numbers in last Friday’s USDA Hogs and Pigs report. In addition, many of you have seen my interpretation of the report which keyed … Continue reading