It’s currently raining in southern Minnesota while it is beginning to snow in northern Minnesota, which means the snow piles are rapidly shrinking and we are finally losing some of the ice on our county roads. All of this before … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2010
Thoughts from my first winter trade show
This past week I was a speaker at the Passion for Pigs conference and tradeshow in Columbia, Missouri. While freezing rain in the region reduced attendance somewhat, a good crowd was still present. After spending time with exhibitors and producers … Continue reading
Thinking during a blizzard
As I write this week’s comments, blizzard warnings are in effect for this region. While it may be cold and miserable outside, the feeder pig market in the US is looking up. The highest reported price paid for weaned pigs … Continue reading
Bubblewrap versus 6 mil plastic
At a producer meeting in northwest Iowa yesterday, Steve Pohl and I got into a discussion with the audience about bubble wrap versus 6 mil poly to tighten up curtain sided finishers in cold weather. A common problem with curtain … Continue reading
Final thoughts after 4 weeks in Australia and New Zealand
I’m writing this week’s blog sitting in a motel room in Christchurch, New Zealand just prior to flying back to the US. After 4+ weeks of working with Australian and New Zealand pork producers, I’ve gained a new appreciation for … Continue reading
What’s the future for the Australian Pork Industry?
The Australian pork industry is at a crossroads. In the next few weeks, delegates to Australian Pork Limited (their checkoff organization) will vote on whether the industry in general should move to no gestation stalls after 28d. This move is … Continue reading
Ecoshelters versus tunnel ventilation in Australia
Much of the Australian pork industry the past 10-15 years has moved to Ecoshelters for nursery and grow-finish pig accommodations. Ecoshelters are hoop structures that use large amounts of bedding, similar in many respects to the hoops used by some … Continue reading
Australian Production Challenges
I’m writing this week from a hotel room in Melbourne, Australia. My first week in Australia has been interesting and as in the US, I really enjoyed my conversations with pork producers. My trip to Australia is sponsored by Australia … Continue reading
Australian pork industry
I depart tomorrow afternoon for Australia and New Zealand where I will be visiting producer farms and doing presentations on feeders and drinkers. It is spring down under and on the south island of New Zealand I expect to see … Continue reading
High feed prices once again
With corn and soybean meal prices rising (and falling) as much as the CBT limit on any given day, producers are once again becoming worried about the impact of feed ingredient costs on their bottom line. It’s no fun trying … Continue reading