With record profits projected for this year, even in the face of a shortage of pigs due to the PEDv outbreak, many producers have begun thinking about appropriate reinvestment strategies. Lately I’ve begun thinking about the need for repair/replacement … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Transport Weight Loss
This week I was asked if I had any data on the impact of transport distance on weight loss and recovery in weaned pigs. Transport loss has the potential to be a big factor in our industry as almost … Continue reading
Thoughts of PEDv led to thoughts of Foreign Animal Disease
This past week I was in a planning meeting for next year’s American Association of Swine Veterinarians annual meeting. The obvious topic on the table was PEDv which led to a discussion of the industry risks associated with foreign animal … Continue reading
Today’s market prices mean bigger contract grower risks
Sometimes a topic comes up that doesn’t fit my sort-of weekly writing schedule. Yesterday I had a field person for a contract production system ask about emergency drop curtains on a double-wide tunnel barn. The curtains had been ‘ruined’ by … Continue reading
The cool wet spring has a good side to it
Will it ever warm up and dry up? That is the common question being asked across the upper Midwest this past week. While the recent rains have been welcome in the western regions of the corn belt, much of the … Continue reading
I’m now a ‘Tweeter’
One of my daughters works at a regional bank and manages the behind the scenes software that the bank has begun using for all of its customer service activities. With the purchase of this software, her job includes getting all … Continue reading